Wednesday, May 5, 2010

When I am 25 years old I hope to be an ultra-sound technician. In this job you use an ultra sound techonology to show a tiny picture of your stomache just to make sure everything is ok with your stomache. I always wanted to work in the medical feild and this is the best way for me to to be successful. I love working with people and seeing all the infant babies in their mothers stomache.

1. Speaking to the public
Being an ultra-sound tech. I have to be friendly and interact with the people I am observing.
2. Operating Equipment
I need to learn how to use the machines properly so i dont break them then have to pay to fix the broken machines.
3. Taking Personal Responsibility
If i make a mistake, its no one elses resbonsibilty but mine and I need to know this to further my dream of becoming an ultra-sound tech.
4. Developing a climate of enthusiasm, teamwork and cooperation
In any job you need to have these three traits to do your job correctly and to keep your job.
5. Meeting People
Being an ultra-sound tech. you meet all kinds of different people, pregnant moms, people with tumors and people who need the inside of their bodies looked at.
6. Administering Medication
If for any reason is there is a problem with the baby or something wrong with your stomache and you need medicine i need to make sure I prescribe you the right kind and amount of medicine
7. Defining A Problem
If someone comes to me and has a tumor or something wrong with their stomach I will be able to look at the ultra sound and know where it located at and then go for an x-ray.
8. Knowledge of Concepts and principles
I need to know what im talking about and telling my patients so they are confident with my answers and advice. Who wants to go to an ultra-sound tech who doesnt know what they are doing?
9. Analyzing data
To be an ultra-sound tech you have to analyze the picture from the ultrasound and describe it to the patients because they dont know what they are looking at.
10. Comparing results
If someone comes to me with a stomache problem and I can compare their ultrasound with a normal persons ultra sound to see what the problem is.
11. Summarizing Information
You have to explain to the patients what they are looking at because to the patients the ultra-sound is just a picture. You have to summarize the information you know so the patients can understand very clearly what is going on in their stomache.
12. Teaching/Instructing'training Individuals
Being an ultra sound tech when your hospital or doctors office hires new people you will have to train and help out the new employees.
13. Dispensing Information
Being an ultra sound tech. you have to take the information in that you get from the ultra sound and then dispense it out to the patient who has no idea what they are looking at.
14. Entertaining people
While giving a patient an ultra sound you should entertain them and make them laugh. They will be much calmer if they feel comfortable and safe in your care.
15. Becoming actively involved
If you put yourself out there and let your boss know you are gettin involved in everything you can to better your career you will keep moving up and up in your wrok space. You will also make more money by getting rasies and showing your boss you care about how you work.
16. Creating meaningful and challenging work
When you have any job you need to challenge your self and learn from your job. Putting you in a difficult situation helps you better your career and helps you prepare for the real world when your put in those situations.
17. Maintaining emotional control under stress
While giving someone an ultra sound you cant show that your stressed out and angry. This mood will make the patient feel uncomfortable and not happy. You never want to leave patient unhappy especially in the hospital its already bad enough just being in there.
18. Planning agendas and meetings
If you are sick and need to continueiously come back for weeks at a time for an ultra sound then you need to make appointments and have meetings.
19. Questioning others
You need to ask your patient certain questions like if they are alergic to anything or have any special conditions because you could hurt someone really bad if you dont know all their conditions
20. Cleanliness
Being in the hospital with any kind of job you have to make sure you are constatly washing your hands and sterolizing everything for the benefit of you and the patient. It is extreamly easy to get sick from the hospital and not being careful about being clean.

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